Cook County College
Teachers Union
Local 1600

The members of the CCCTU have many opportunities to benefit from their union membership, including benefits through the College & University Credit Union, the Job List of area colleges, and through our affiliation with the American Federation of Teachers, the Illinois Federation of Teachers, and other organizations–such as the Chicago Federation of Labor.

Legal Services
CCCTU provides qualified lawyers to handle work-related injury cases and attorneys to handle labor board cases arbitrations in addition to our In-House Attorney, Alice Johnson.

CCCTU keeps union members up to date through publications such as the Voice, the Community College Perspective, the Illinois Union Teacher, On Campus, and Changing Education, as well as the our website and social media channels.
Financial Assistance
CCCTU operates a full service credit union, College and University Credit Union (CUCU), for its members. Call Kevin Barrett at 312-614-4393 for a membership application. Visit the Credit Union website at

Through the American Federation of Teachers discount program, members can make major purchases at small markups over the dealer cost. An automobile, for example, may be purchased at $150 over the dealer cost.
Union members are eligible for a Master Card with interest rates three to five percent lower than the rates of other major credit cards

Experienced Staff
Local 1600 staff are here to help you build power at your workplace, so that you and your coworkers can win the respect you deserve. CCCTU contracts stress strong grievance procedures, fair evaluation systems, improved job security, health and safety protection and greater economic benefits.

Grievance Help
CCCTU provides experienced, professional assistance in grievances, job evaluations, arbitrations, and other work-related problems.